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Calendar of Events
Scroll down for list of events. Questions? Call the Nature
Center at 712-837-4866
The Palo Alto County
Conservation Board provides recreational and educational experiences that are
accessible to the public and initiates programs designed to protect and enhance
the natural and cultural resources of Palo Alto County. We believe that the
conservation of our natural resources tomorrow depends upon the education of our
citizens today. Naturalist, Miriam Patton conducts programs to teach and
encourage children and adults to explore the natural world and experience nature
first-hand. Take advantage of the free summer weekend programs at the nature
center. Programs are also provided for civic and youth groups and the
general public. Be a part of the excitement during May with our
spectacular Wings and Wetlands event. Our prairies, marshes, lakes and
river will keep you coming back for more.
Calendar of Events: |
Mt. Lions in Iowa
August 21, 2007, 7 pm
Ron Andrews from the Iowa DNR will give a program on Mountain Lions in Iowa
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coming to the Nature Center
Hunting Information
How to buy your
REAP plate today!